I Spoilt My Foamy Delta

by Benn Gunn | October 1, 2012 | (6) Posted in Just Fun


‘I spoilt my Delta’

You know when the weather is too poor to fly its fatal… i have got to mess

my delta is a great flying kite but there are times when I want it to slow down quickly so out came the sharp edge and two servo’s later there we are….Spoilers


‘So did it work’ …!!!!

 The slots are right behind the KF step and once open seem to dump all the extra lift produced. I also am getting no pitch change. What happens is just a controlled reduction in lift, if I add a little back pressure to the stick I can really slow the forward speed with no height loss.

Conclusion they work surprising well…. What shall I use them for ‘don’t  know’ but they are fun.



Zatoichi on October 2, 2012
Hehe.Neat as pie,Benn.Gonna have to give these a go.
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Benn Gunn on October 2, 2012
will post a vid when i can.... thank you
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jeremy on October 2, 2012
Very cool. Do you have any video of them working.
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Benn Gunn on October 2, 2012
hello, no but i will put one together... glad you like it
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I Spoilt My Foamy Delta