Pre-flight Check?

by ycopter | October 10, 2012 | (26) Posted in Tips

This video demonstrates why a pre-flight check is essential!

My Quadcopter has been really reliable for months now, many hours of flight without a problem. I thought I had designed out all of the failure points but my Quad has proved me wrong!

If you are interested in multi-rotor reliability, take a look at this article.


rcjoseb on October 15, 2012
Sorry about the quad. Thanks for the article!
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ycopter on October 16, 2012
You are welcome. I was lucky, damage was minimal.
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zann68 on October 10, 2012
That was a wicked flight video, glad you were able to recover the Quad.
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ycopter on October 10, 2012
I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
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Jake Wells on October 10, 2012
By the way 5 stars for not hitting a sheep.
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
I would like to say my flying skills averted a sheep incident, but in fact I had little control...
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Jake Wells on October 11, 2012
Here's a quick question. Why didn't you descend and land in the field instead of trying to make it back?
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
I Couldn't reduce throttle, at the time I assumed that interference was causing the control problems and heading back might improve things.
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Jake Wells on October 11, 2012
That makes sense. I just started flying FPV. I start getting fuzzy and I turn around and come back. Freaks me out every time.
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
I know how you feel, even though I have flown FPV multi-rotors for many hours the first flight of the day can still be nerve racking. You never know how good the video feed will be or if there is any local interference. But do stick at it Jake as it does get easier and more enjoyable with experience.
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Jake Wells on October 10, 2012
Yeah a preflight check list might seem overkill but when something goes wrong it leaves you wishing you had. Pre flight is a must especially on multi-rotors. That's a big reason I mounted everything outside of my copter so I check it visually and physically. Motor and bearing life are becoming a big concern for me now. A Preventative maintenance Schedule is also something to consider. Crashing sucks there is no glide ratio it's go or no go with these things.
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
Jake you are spot on. No room for error with multi-rotors, they either fly or fall out of the sky!
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liveyourdreamsRC on November 2, 2012
This is really great! I never thought such a simple procedure could have such effect on something! Just a few plugs loose and there it goes ya know?
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ipetepete on October 11, 2012
I've found that a big point of failure is the bullet connectors to the ESCs, they come loose pretty easily. Also servo extensions. A little electrical around those connections might save you a lot of money.

I'm using RCExplorers yaw mechanism, and Ive already stripped one servo horn because the servo and the hing started separating in flight. I'm working on a fix for this as well as an emergency parachute system. Which I hope to have a write up here within a week.
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
Good advice. Have you tried self-amalgamating tape, it only sticks to itself and forms a rubber casing around electrical joints. It provides excellent protection and can be removed easily if required as it leaves no sticky residue. The parachute sounds interesting, looking forward to reading about it soon.
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ipetepete on October 12, 2012
I saw that, his video gave me hope that it will work. The chute is based on Experimental Airline's design:

I don't really like having the chute over the electronics, like that, although it makes for a simple execution. Because I fly a tri copter, I'm planning on putting the deployment system on the rear arm just behind the body.
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ipetepete on October 12, 2012
Oops, meant to reply to TheBeroys. I'll definatly try the self-amalgamating tape. I expect I can find it at the 'Depot or Radio Shack?
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ycopter on October 12, 2012
Best place for the self-amalgamating tape is ebay, lots of supplies to choose from. Cut off a short length, remove the backing and pre-stretch it before wrapping it around the cables you want to protect.
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Jake Wells on October 11, 2012
I've thought about a chute. The problem I think would be the spinning props getting tangled in the lines. Also chutes need to deploy up, props spin and force air down which might suck the chute back down, tangling in the prop. I just can't figure out how it would work. But it would be nice to have for sure if it works.
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ipetepete on October 11, 2012
I've also thought about it, but in an emergency something is bound to be better than nothing. There is a chance of the cord getting caught on a prop, arm, etc. but I'm planning on doing a single cord chute so, ideally, it won't affect the chute from opening (in a free fall at least, or so I hope). I plan on putting it together this weekend and doing some tests this week. I'll put the results up on a forum post before I gather a formal project article.
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TheBeroys on October 12, 2012
Hi, found this video on youtube. he made a parachute for his quadcopter. Seem to work ok. Maybe a little fast down speed.

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ipetepete on October 12, 2012
I originally replied to the wrong comment, sorry for the double post.

I saw that, his video gave me hope that it will work. The chute is based on Experimental Airline's design: I don't really like having the chute over the electronics, like that, although it makes for a simple execution. Because I fly a tri copter, I'm planning on putting the deployment system on the rear arm just behind the body.
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Jake Wells on October 11, 2012
Sweet, hit me up when you do cause I'd like to check it out.
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Pillip Flop on October 10, 2012
Unlucky, glad you found your quad.
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ycopter on October 10, 2012
Thanks, I thought it was lost forever, it just vanished into the tree.
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1aalbes1 on October 13, 2012
nice movie
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dadi3 on October 11, 2012
Nice and usefull video. so did one of the motors died
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ycopter on October 11, 2012
Motors were all OK, the problem was a loose receiver plug.
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Pre-flight Check?