Storm Flying

by stonekap | May 23, 2012 | (24) Posted in Just Fun

No music. Nuthin' fancy... just a good time flying in a storm.

Last fall David (RC Explorer) and I thought it would be interesting to brave the storm and test our skills against mother nature. After we felt the Swift II had enough abuse we tried out some gyros on an IYF wing.



snarf69 on May 24, 2012
How do you set up gyros on an elevon mixed plane?
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UndCon on May 24, 2012

it seems my air was a lot cleaner with less turbulence
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bmsweb on May 24, 2012
You should have tried the Bixler ;)
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Benn Gunn on August 18, 2012
totaly great episode... sold me a gyro, infact i bought two... weather in the uk is just as crappy nice one dave
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House Of Noob on June 20, 2012
Not a lot of videos that make me laugh out loud. Did he get two points for that dunk?
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DejaD on June 2, 2012
David: "I like the lightming in the background"
Chad: "Yeah. That's nice."
Chad has so much excitement in his voice... like he's just been told he's getting a $2 refund on a 12 pack of Diet Fresca...

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Brian fred carr on May 24, 2012
Great flying...looked like good fun
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msavsani on June 3, 2012
great flying that high storm winds.....and nice stable wing that you guys built..

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FlyBoy on July 25, 2012
that was epic !

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Quadra Productions on July 23, 2012
Look at how fast the clouds move. Well fast for clouds.
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cwozny on July 8, 2012
Out of curiosity, what was the gyro setup on this? I know with elevons it's not as simple as just plugging the gyro into each servo since they command both pitch and roll. Did you daisy chain a pitch gyro in with two roll gyros?
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stonekap on July 8, 2012
You have to use two gyros each mounted diagonally.
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pilot Dewey on May 23, 2012
how come we don't see David as much on flitest
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NJSwede on May 23, 2012
I think it's because David lives all the way over in Sweden. Someone should get the guy a green card! :)
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FliteTest on May 23, 2012
We're trying :)
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scottavey on May 23, 2012
Great demo or gyros
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spencer on June 3, 2012
Sounds like you need to do an article on setting up gyro's on a wing. I would definitely be interested in that.
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StoneBlueAirlines on November 8, 2012
Storm surfing.....
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Storm Flying