A showcase of flying machines

by olnorth | December 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

An edit showcasing some of the different platforms we fly, both for work and for fun. Includes a few mishaps we have had along the way ;)

DJI S800 Hexacopter
HAL Homebuilt Quadcopter
DJI Phantom Quadcopter
Homebuilt Tricopters 
Grim Reaper Flying Wing
Crack Yack & mini
Blade MQX

and more...


Sirglider on January 20, 2014
Great video. Just don't like the "Instagram" effect on it. It makes it dark.
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dadi3 on January 17, 2014
5 stars... Awesome editing, flying and footage :D
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A showcase of flying machines