An Alternative Mini Trainer? E-Flite Delta Ray One

by FliteTest | November 12, 2018 | (5) Posted in Projects

The E-Flite Delta Ray One is a new E-Flite model that takes the Delta format and shrinks it down for the beginner.

So you're looking for your first airplane? How about a sporty aerobatic model? What if you want to get something that has GPS and autoland technology? Well, the Delta Ray One could be the all-in-one plane that you're after. 


BNF - $109.99
RTF - $139.99

Features at a glance 

  • SAFE technology 
  • Optional SAFE Plus
  • Optional GPS-enabled technology
  • Delta aerodynamics
  • Elevons 
  • Simple 3-channel
  • Folding prop
  • Light wing loading
  • Comes fully assembled 

 A detailed look

You don't usually see a whole lot of RC airplanes that profess to be great at just about everything. Horizon says that this one is aimed at the beginner, yet it's power setup and option to disable the attitude-limiting SAFE select technology could make it a good plane for just about anyone. 

On a purely aerodynamic and form factor level, this delta would make a great little 'throw in the car and go' type plane. You might even be able to take it away on weekend trips as it's small enough to fit just about anywhere. 

The model is powered by a 200–280mAh 2S LiPo flight battery which, thanks to the size, is more than capable of propelling the Delta Ray One to decent speeds - when you're ready for it. 

For the beginner pilot, the plane is able to be flown with SAFE to keep you the right way up and away from the ground. 

So what about this GPS tech? With the purchase of an additional module that fits into the belly of the airplane, the Delta Ray One can offer you autonomous flying. That's right - it's pretty much an autopilot. It can autoland, fly a GPS-guided holding pattern, and create a virtual fence to prevent your aircraft from flying too far away. If you fly into this invisible barrier, the plane will simply turn itself around automatically. 

If you want us to test fly and review this product, let us know down below!

Helpful Links

Get this airplane - BNF - RTF

Larger Delta Ray

Horizon Hobby 

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SquirrelTail on November 12, 2018
Definitely review this plane! Maybe have an FPV race with them!
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An Alternative Mini Trainer? E-Flite Delta Ray One