Antivibrating DIY Aerial Footage Platform

by simdor | April 25, 2014 | (0) Posted in Tips

Even though you balance your motors and propellers it can be difficult to eliminate all the vibrations. Here's how I solved the issue with steel wires and some rubber balls. It will remove most/all the vibrations and make the footage look professional and smooth at all time. It's super easy to build and works great.

This design was inspired by several other people's antivibrating platforms but didn't match my H-quad very well. That's why I took the time and built this and wow, it sure makes it look far more professional, and all you need is some steel wires. If you would like a build video of how to make one of these, simply comment below and I will be happy to make one!


The steel wires works great without the rubber standoffs, it's just there because I had them lying around the house. The steel wires is what really makes it eliminate the vibrations and I just made the treestand to rise the GoPro higher up in order to protect it during landings and crashes.

GoPro Hero 2

Crisp clear video without any vibrations. Simple but yet effective way of removing all the shaky footage!

Thanks for reading and support me by subsribing to my YouTube channel


JamesWhomsley on June 16, 2014
Very cool! I like how simple it is, yet it is still really effective. :) Nice article too.
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Antivibrating DIY Aerial Footage Platform