Apprentice RX in MF-22 Raptor

by MESA RC | March 27, 2014 | (14) Posted in Projects


To the FliteTest Community;

One my students came to me with a great idea, "what would happen if we took out the receiver to our apprenitce and placed it in one of our scratch build planes?" "Would the SAFE technology still work with another style plane?"  Couldn't pass it up and whipped up a Raptor in one day and we were testing it the next.  The platform we choose was the Raptor, Colton's design, and we were guareented that the plane would fly perfect.  Placing the receiver was easy, just like any other receiver, placed it on a level part of the inside fuselage, hooked everything up to it, and it worked just like the apprentice.

We found no issues with the flight, and by the looks of it, I saw this receiver as a huge tool to train our students how to fly, especially with scratch builds when anything can happen.  We know that there is extra stabilization extension out there, however, the installment part could be a learning curve for the students.  They know how to install the electronics to a receiver, no problem, so having something like this would great.  This would also be great for teachers who wanted to start their own rc club with little experience in flying for the safe technology could help in this fear of flying.

When we had the students look up the price of the receiver from Eflite, we saw that it was 130$ dollars, high in price for a program of students, however, if Eflite can figure out how to sell the receiver at a lower price, this could be huge and easy for any incoming pilot with this hobby.

Now we are no experts, so if there is a receiver out there that can do the same thing without a huge price point, let us know!


Link to the Safe Receiver: 

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Colton's MF-22 Video:  

MF-22 Plans:!plane-plans/ccb 


Marshall showing off how the Safe Technology is auto leveling the control surfaces of the plane.


Flies straight and true, very cool.



bladezx2 on April 3, 2014
I'm not familiar with the electronics on the Apprentice, but I know the Delta Ray has the same technology in it. The Delta Ray uses brushed motors though. Is the Apprentice Rx brushless? If you could get by with a brushed motor, the Delta Ray board is about $80.

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MESA RC on April 3, 2014
Another great tip, will look into it. Thanks a ton!
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nicktutttle on March 28, 2014
Nice Find! Maybe a KK2.1, multiWii, or other flight controller board could be used? Though that wouldn't be as simple of a setup as a plug and play rx..
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MESA RC on March 28, 2014
No but you are right and we didn't even think about it, will have to try that out, especially on a wing style platform. Thanks for the tip!
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goeland86 on April 3, 2014
Did you mean something like this:

I'm sure there's a few other RXs and external stabilizing systems you can find.
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MESA RC on April 3, 2014
Yes this is what I was looking for, thanks for the link!
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Darwil on March 28, 2014
You could try these:
I've used one in a Twisted hobbies Crack Pitts biplane it's made it easier to fly outdoors especially in windy conditions.
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MESA RC on March 28, 2014
That is a find, and cheap too, nice tip, we will definitely be looking into these in the future.
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Darwil on March 29, 2014
Glad you like it, it certainly works very well - the wind was about 15mph gusting up to around 25mph there; there was no way on this earth could it have been flying so well without the rx/gyro!
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dwardio on March 28, 2014
I'm putting the finishing touches on my FT-22 using this exact receiver! With a little luck and a nod from the weather gods I'll have a report later this weekend.
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MESA RC on March 28, 2014
That is awesome, share a link to some videos or pics. Thanks for the comment.
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Darwil on March 29, 2014
Beware of setting it up in still conditions, it needs something to correct to work properly - we set it up that morning in those conditions. Try setting the gain for all surfaces just under half and increase them until you get oscillation (or surface flutter) then back them off a little. Hope it works well for you!
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MESA RC on April 3, 2014
Will do, thanks for the tip!
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dwardio on April 5, 2014
Maiden flight went really well this afternoon (4/5). Once at a reasonable altitude, I enabled the stabilization at 50% gain and it was instantly rock-steady, despite gusty conditions. The Orange 3-axis rx worked great! No video, but I posted a pic in the FT-22 build thread over in the forums.
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MESA RC on April 7, 2014
That is awesome, way to go, can't find the picture, can you shoot us a link?

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chuckft on April 7, 2015
Great job on using the apprentice receiver on your MF22!
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Apprentice RX in MF-22 Raptor