by FliteTest | July 5, 2016 | (8) Posted in Projects

Josh and Jen recently spent time with Shane and Heather McDowell, known as Mr. and Ms. FlashGangster, who shared some cool DIY tips to get gear safely to and from the flying field.

One of our favorite McDowell creations was the custom wing rack. It was built out of PVC pipe, gorilla or PVC glue and pool noodles and is customizable to the sweep and form factor of each wing. 


Because the McDowells fly FPV, they needed a field case to hold and protect their gear. They bought nesting water resistant cases from the home improvement store that lock together for easy travel.

Included in their case is extra foam to protect the goggles and an extra ground station monitor for guests to watch. 

The ground station is made out of a Quantum facebox inside a plastic case that includes an FR 632 powered off of a 3s balance plug.

Another cool feature of the field case is that it can be modified and used as a ground station. Check out our FPV Boxes Episode for tips on making a DIY ground station.

Many people now have access to 3D printers, which is a great way to print your own hacks and accessories. Thingiverse is a great resource to download things like thumb grips and SMA wrenches.

Shane also used an FPV unit and video transmitter in the form factor of a GoPro so he can see the same perspective that the GoPro would record in real time. This hack was made with coroplast, a run cam and an FPV transmitter.

Thanks to Shane and Heather for sharing these DIY tips with us!

If you’ve got a cool hack or DIY trick, make an article and share the link with us! 


Hotwire on July 7, 2016
These are true hobbyists. Flying is fun but making this stuff can be just as satisfying over many more hours. I like the camera/VTx DIY. If you are like me and have a favourite camera, its great to be about to move it to which ever aircraft you are using.If you have access to a 3D printer check this camera/VTx cube here ->
Not yet printed, the next version tilts and snaps on and off.

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danallen82 on July 7, 2016
Good tips, thanks!
I think the best part of the video is how the couple share the passion. I can't say the same for myself :( sigh*. However I have my two little girls who have potential to be future flyers and engineers.
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flashgangster on July 18, 2016
Make the hobby available for them and best of luck! Maybe Paisley and your little girls can dominate FPV racing someday :)
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Radek Rambo on July 8, 2016
Makerspaces and Fablabs are popping up everywhere. I started a scratchbuilding academy in a swedish makerspace called Fabriken. (flygakademien stpln is the rc club)
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Yogenh on July 6, 2016
Great work!!! I love the case for the transmitter!! will have to look into that for me. keep up the great work
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debay777 on July 8, 2016
I want their field box but i cant find them anywhere. can someone link us?

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WJR339007 on July 9, 2016
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acepsaepul on March 19, 2017
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