FliteTest Visits MESArcFF

by MESA RC | October 31, 2014 | (14) Posted in Just Fun


To the FliteTest Community,

October marked one of the greatest months for the MESArcFF program, according to the students, the hard work has paid off, Josh Bixler from FliteTest comes to check out what we are all about.  We were so blessed that Josh and Lee took the time from their busy schedules to make the trip to visit. Marshall and the students had a blast, and the two teams discussed future plans for a partnership that could lead to something amazing for our hobby and its educational impact it can have on students.  

Josh and Lee took their time listening to every student and their crazy projects, from kit builds, to fixed wing designs, multirotor designs, the business side and much more. The students rose to the occasion sharing their builds, who wouldn't, its FliteTest! Some star struck, struggling with words, most though confident in explaining their steps they took in the Design process of the solution to their problems, it was an amazing experience for both parties to witness and be apart of.

Watch the episode as Josh talks to the students and flies one of our lastest plane design by the creator himself, 8th grade student Ashton.  On behalf of the MESArcFF program, thank you Josh, Lee, and the FliteTest team for making this happen.

Looking forward to the future!

For more information about the MESArcFF program: http://www.mesarcfoamfighters.com/


Josh had to switch roles, he was on our show, we presented him with a gift on behalf of the team.


Talon talks about getting packages ready for Altitude Hobbies and that next year he will be lead Product Manager.


Sean and Kiron are getting ready for the winter months, telling Josh and Lee about his snow mobile.


Baylor needs help on a build Josh knows best, the bloody wonder.


Too funny, Brenden admits getting caught working on quad designs during Core classes.


Lexi, Claira and Cody show off some kit builds they are currently working on.


Product Manager Zach talks about his daily routine, the main guy getting orders met.


Nas and Jared talk about their development of a new type of miniquad that requires no hardware, no glue, just clipping together.


Charlie shows off his editing skills, Josh claims he has him when he graduates college.


Tucker explains his created problem and his working solution.


Jack talks about his magneto project, a quad put together by just magnets, crazy!


Getting ready for flight.


Josh and Ashton flying formation


To fly next to Bixler, a student's dream.


Josh showing off his inverted skills


To cool!


blackkrystal73 on October 31, 2014
Pretty cool!!

The flitetest guys remind me of the men in black with their black jackets and sun glasses..
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Epitaph on November 1, 2014
Some kids nowadays have some MAD skills!! What better than to inspire them to put them to use and enjoy themselves at the same time!! At this age is when you can do so much for them, guide them down a road they will enjoy and become great adults at the end of!!

Well done on the project, and glad to see this community merging somewhat and becoming such an awesome size!!
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stephen56 on November 4, 2014
That was just fantastic guys. What a forward thinking concept. I wish there was something like that when I went to school. Not much of a sports jock so this would have been great for me and all thew other kids with interests in working with their hands and brain. 10 out of 10 for the initiative shown by the school and its teachers. Looking at this video just shows the broad base of knowledge and skills these kids are getting. Fantastic
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sailorJohn on October 31, 2014
Admirable !
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ttprigg on October 31, 2014
What a great opportunity! This is what it is all about.
"Thank yous" to all involved.
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nasaguy86 on November 5, 2014
Most people don't fully realize the impact a visit like this has on the students, but I believe Josh does...He can take a kid who's overwhelmed with idolism and in a couple words, the awe vanishes, and they are instant buddies. These kids are our future, let's follow Josh's example and build the hobby as we build ourselves into better people...
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Crazy68 on October 31, 2014
I have seen the Mesa Rc vidieos before and love them! There needs to be more teachers like this, with these kinds of programs for the kids. It is such a nice break for the kids to do more of what they love while giving them more experience in all of the different aspects of the show. Just the feeling they must get from building something all thier own that is fun, and cool, to the team work, and respect they learn, and earn is priceless! Josh just made some memories they will never forget!
Great work everyone!
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mkmitchell on October 31, 2014
Very inspiring! Keep up the great work.
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P38Xtreme on December 13, 2014
I 100% agree with nasaguy86. I live in San Francisco and I have been obsessed with rc planes for 5 years now. I only get to go flying once every 2 weeks and I think its great that this school has given the opportunity to do more. I wish I could be there.

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RickN on January 24, 2015
I love this... all the STEM skill sets in one classroom. It will be interesting to see in 5 or 6 years how many of these kids are in college engineering programs. Or running a small business pertaining to this hobby. Great to see girls into this as well.
Kudos to FliteTest to have education as a major part of their business.
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FliteTest Visits MESArcFF