FT 3D PRO(file) depron conversion

by Bayboos | April 24, 2015 | (10) Posted in Just Fun

Hello everybody. This is a presentation of my first "almost own" design, so please be reasonable with your comments 

The background:
1. Light = cheap.
2. I live in a country where 1,2m x 0,8m depron sheet costs less than 10$. EPP foam is almost twice that, and DTFB/FTFB is not available by any means.
3. Carbon rods of appropriate size are $0,5-$1 per 1m.
4. I've recently build some light planes using depron foam (few Baby Blenders, Twin Twirl from the original plans) and loved the idea.
5. I've already build FT 3D following the original plans (modified for 6mm depron) and liked it very much. Unfortunatelly it's not flyable anymore (car's inside on a warm, sunny day is not the best place to store planes put together with hot glue).

The goal was to expand my hangar with a plane that will 1. allow me to improve my flying skills, especially in the aerobatics, and 2. be able to fly in moderate winds better than anything I currently have. FT 3D seems to fit this criteria pretty well, but the complexity and workload involved in building one made me looking for something else. I turned my attention to profile planes, which are usually much easier to build and maintain; but I wasn't able to find any project that would catch my attention. Currently, most planes are designed for EPP; which is not bad, but I just happen to not like it at all. The choice of KIT/ARF planes available on the market is the same. I was almost ready to buy one anyway; when the idea came to me to use original FT 3D plans to build my own profile plane. The research was quickly re-oriented from "what" to "how"; but that wasn't any easier. I didn't find any good build tips/videos for depron planes (everybody seems to forget this wonderful material ever existed); but I did found a great example of exactly what I had in mind: E-flite Extra 260 3D Profile. It may not be the most popular 3D profile plane in the world; but it's build beautifully with all the materials I have readily available and using building techniques I'd love to learn.

That's how FT 3D "PRO(file)" was born.

The build process took me about a week; working several hours during one weekend and then approx. an hour every evening. On the last thursday, she was finally ready for the maiden flight. Let me share a video relation from this event:

The video above shows two of the very first flights of this plane. Since I'm not an aerobatic pilot by any means, I was pretty nervous. The plane's control surfaces have max deflections of approx. 45 degrees; but I've limited them to 55% and dialed in 40% expo. Surely enough, the plane was still touchy; much more than enough to make me scared a lot. I've managed to land her down safely, and before the next flight, I reduced the deflections further down to 40% and increased expo to 50%. As seen above, the second flight went fine as well.

Here are some stills from the video:

The launch for maiden flight was very easy and very uneverntful

A couple of high passes while I'm getting used to very crisp and very sensitive controls

Then, few more low passes to watch the beauty make her way trough the air with no effort and no bad tendencies whatsoever

And finally a successful landing after a bit exhausting, but very satisfying flight.

After a couple of flights I started to feel comfortable enough to try out the "ultimate 3D plane test": hovering. As I said before, I'm actually not the right person to do that; and the hovering is the only 3D aerobatics I have any idea how to perform. But the plane did not let me down. Here what my attempts look like:

Still images don't quite show that; but here they are anyway:

There was still some wind during the first attempts; I needed to compensate for that in the early flights

Staying at the field till late evening rewarded me with completely still air and some very nice views

Not that bad, right? In fact, way better than anything I could ever do on my original FT 3D. I know my skills probably improoved since then; but I was usually flying planes like FT Simple Storch, Twin Twirl or Baby Blender - not exactly a very aerobatic ones. I'm sure this plane will lead me trough the process of learning 3D aerobatics with calm and confidence I couldn't even imagine when I started to build it.

Having the "hovering test" passed (sort of), I've tried some other aerobatic trics. I even felt confident enough to swich to high rates (100% throw, 30% expo) for a moment. The plane's dynamic response scared me a lot again, but also made me smile like I never did for a very long time (at least when flying RC planes):

I have to admit, this particular day gave me one of the best looking videos and images I've ever contributed to make:

Unfortunatelly: the day light ended, the batteries died, and my kids demanded to go home immediatelly without exceptions. Thanks to that, I did not went pass the point of the ultimate "one more time" flight, and I still have this wonderful plane flyable and without even one scratch or dent. And I'm still hungry for more.

I already shared some info about the design and build process in the forum thread: FT 3D depron profile. If you want to know more details, please leave the comment with your questions; I'll be more than glad to answer. If the demant will arise, I will try to write a more detailed, build-like article.


VTGoody on April 27, 2015
I to was thinking of doing a dtf profile 3d plane. I have a couple of the twisted hobbys profile epp planes (mxs-c, and Crack Turbo Beaver). They fly amazing and have improved my flying. Good work!
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Bayboos on April 27, 2015
Thank you very much.
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HarleyRev on April 27, 2015
looks like you created a very nice flying machine there ! Congratulations ! Thanks for sharing
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Bayboos on April 28, 2015
Thank you. Indeed, the plane flies great. I did expect that to some extent, that's what I build it; but still the overall flight characteristics surprised me a lot. I'm really pleased with the result.
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dharkless on April 29, 2015
It looks great and flies really well. Can you list the gear you used?
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Bayboos on April 29, 2015
Thanks; and sure:

Common parts (both setups being currently tested):
Motor: hexTronik 24g 1300kv
ESC: HK Plush 12A
Servos: 4x hexTronik HXT500 5g analog
Material used: 3mm depron foam + carbon rods (various types)

Setup 1:
Prop: GWS 8x4.3 SF
Battery: 450mAh 3s LiPo
AUW: 220g / 7.7oz

Setup 2:
Prop: GWS 9x4.7 SF
Battery: 1000mAh 2s LiPo
AUW: 240g / 8.5oz
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FTprime on April 27, 2015
I was thinking of doing this, and yours looks awesome! It also looks like it can perform well! Nice job!
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Bayboos on April 27, 2015
Thank you.

It surely does outperform everything I have in my hangar today. I'm not the right person to test the actual performance limits; but I already managed to pull out stable hovering on the third day flying the plane - with almost no previous 3D experience and absolutely no simulator time. And I'm proud of it; both as the builder and as the pilot :)

About the look: the original FT 3D does look nice; and this one does not differ very much. Yet it still needs more colors and some landing gear - both for the look and the orientation.
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NoUsername on April 27, 2015
Very impressive. Love the way you took control of the plane. Have you tried to make a cartoon fatty?
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Bayboos on April 27, 2015
Thank you. I'm not exactly sure what's so impressive (I'm mostly fighting with myself to not do anything stupid and crash the plane because of pilot error :) ), but I'm glad you liked it.

Yes, I did try one "cartoon style" plane before: Bipie Biplane (3ch curved wings bi-dihedral version). You may find exactly one video of me flying this plane under the link below:

Unfortunatelly, this plane is not flyable anymore. I've made a lot of build errors there and thus I'm not going to repair it (after a minor crash). By building this plane I learned a lot about depron profiles; I'm thinking about building new one someday.
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bensgreentrain on April 27, 2015
excellent build and thanks for the video. There is nothing more exciting than a successful flight of an aircraft that you built for yourself. don't stop building. the more you build the more you will just get better at it. I am still building and I'm, well lets just say I've been a senior for a few years now!!!
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Bayboos on April 27, 2015
Thank you for the comment. I'm deep into building things for many years, there is no way I could stop now. RC airplanes are just another thing I want to build myself - mostly because I can't buy what I want, and I don't want to fly a plane I don't like. Stay tuned; there are more interesting projects down the line, just waiting for my skills (both building and flying) to catch up :)
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raydar on April 27, 2015
Hey Bayboos, that plane flies fantastically well and unbelievably slow, poetry in motion. Congrats on another successful build! I think you're being too humble, I was suitably impressed with your piloting skills. Keep up the good work and perfecting the art of aerial ballet.
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Bayboos on April 28, 2015
Thank you. I'm currently testing two power setups: 3s 450mAh with 8x4.3 prop and 2s 1000mAh with both 8x4.3 and 9x4.7 props. The first one is lighter, allowing the plane to fly ridiculously slow; and gives tons of thrust, which is sometimes too much for my skills. The second one is more steady and "calm". It still does hover pretty fine, handles the wind much better and gives mindblowing 20 minutes of mixed flight time; but it does not slow down that much.

I appreciate your nice words, but I don't believe I'm too humble. What you see on the videos is almost 100% of my piloting skills. There is still a lot to learn before I will be able to push this beauty anywhere near the limits. And that's the second reason of building this plane. I'm sure she will not let me down.
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tatoo on May 6, 2015

The model was amazing .. what electronics you are using?

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Bayboos on May 6, 2015
Thank you; but please let me diagree - the model still IS amazing :)

All the electronics are listed in my previous reply (question asked by dharkless); more build details and photos can be found in the forum thread linked at the end of this article.
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Croom on October 4, 2015
Nice design! I have attempted to create something similar with foamboard, and it did not work. With depron, I can see how that really affects the weight. I am starting to design a smaller version of that plane without paper on the foamboard and a smaller power pack. Thanks for sharing!
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Bayboos on October 5, 2015
Thank you for the comment; good luck and Have Fun!
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wanabeRCexpert on November 30, 2016
plans please?

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FT 3D PRO(file) depron conversion