FT Blood Wonder - First Flight for Plane and Pilot

by kah00na | May 30, 2013 | (5) Posted in Just Fun

This video shows the first time I took the FT Bloody Wonder out flying.  This is the first RC plane I've flown.  I chose the Bloody Wonder because I thought it looked  alot cooler than the entry level planes.  I've played my share of airplane video games so I'm somewhat familiar with how the controls of the airplane work.  I also have been flying a toy micro quadcopter to get more use to not overcompensating on the transmitter sticks.

Here are a couple of pictures of this Bloody Wonder after I added strips, a sunburst, and a FliteTest logo so I could tell up from down when it is flying in the sky.

I liked the Bloody Wonder so much I ended up building another.  The first was retired and now hangs in my garage.  The second one (shown below) survived a few flights until the speed controller over heated and shut off and cause the plane to nose-dive into concrete.  It bent the shaft on the motor real bad and smashed the front nose enough that it wasn't really able to be salvaged.  Maybe I could have done more, but I was too sick that it crashe like it did.  Oh well, I guess I'll eventually build another. Here are a couple of shots of it.  I spray painted it with 2x spray paint from Menard's.


Arend on June 3, 2013
Nice flying, took me about three planes and 16 props to stay that long in the air...
Cheers Arend
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RoyBro on June 3, 2013
Nice. Way more successful than my first try with a Nutball. Keep it up.

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kah00na on June 5, 2013
It was windy when you flew! I stopped by the flight field near my house once to do the first flight and chickened out because it was so windy. If I was going to crash, I wanted it to be because of my lack of skills, not because of the wind. Your video was fun to watch!
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ashtodust2000 on June 3, 2013
Wow! Way to go for a first timer! The nerves will get better with more air time.
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dvogonen on June 3, 2013
The bloody Wonder is a brilliant plane. The large wing area makes it stall proof and the stubby wings and large control surfaces makes it crazy maneuverable.
It is however a hard plane to start out with since it is unforgiving to pilot errors. If you point it in the wrong direction, it goes there very, very fast. After all, It is built to be an air combat plane.

The plane has a relatively high landing speed. If you use a fixed prop mount on this plane you will break a prop pretty much every time you land. If you use a stiffer prop you will end up destroying the motor mount instead. Get a propsaver mount instead. That way you will save 9 out of 10 of the propellers broken by belly landings with the Bloody Wonder. The cost of a prop saver is roughly the same as a prop or two, so you will be on the plus side after the first flight.
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kah00na on June 5, 2013
I've seen videos of the prop savers. I definitely need to get one. I've been to the flying field 4 times and have broken 3 propellers.
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gear127 on June 4, 2013
Great job... My first flight ever was on a FT Delta and it was not nearly as long as yours. Sim time and practice make perfect.
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Battershell on June 2, 2013
Very well done for a first timer. A little more sim time and even less throttle next time and you will do even better! Congrats.
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kah00na on June 2, 2013
Thanks! I've taken it out a few more times and nose dived it one again. Then another time, I landed it on the pavement and broke the propeller. This has already broken more propellers than my tricopter! I put some blue stripes on the top and orange star bursts on the bottom to help with orientation. I have landed it 4 or 5 times successfully. I need to start taking extra propellers with me to the flying field.
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Jimmy the Heater on June 4, 2013
Maybe you could provide some insight as to why you decided to start out with a higher performance plane instead of something along the lines of the Nutball or FT Flyer?
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kah00na on June 5, 2013
I made this one first because it looked the coolest.
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Zpack on June 3, 2013
Excellent job! If that's truly your first flight then I'd say you're a natural!
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kah00na on June 5, 2013
Thanks! I have been flying a toy quadcopter (v939) for a few months and have figured out how to control it pretty well and not over compensate every stick movement. I've also played a lot of video games - I'm sure that helped some.
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FT Blood Wonder - First Flight for Plane and Pilot