FT Bloody Wonder Combat Test Flight (STREAMER!)

by kah00na | June 6, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

After I saw the guys from flitetest do the combat flight with two FT Bloody Wonders, I wanted to make this plane.


I wanted to see if the one I built could pull the streamer as well and see what it was like flying with the streamer attached. I'm not the best pilot in the world but this plane is awesome to fly and combat-ability of the plane was one of the reasons I wanted to build the FT Bloody Wonder in the first place. There are no crashes in this video - sorry everyone.

This plane is real fun to fly! Challenge me to a combat flight! You'll have the advantage because I'll probably crash.


NoUsername on June 8, 2013
Super job!
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kah00na on June 14, 2013
Thanks for the comments! The nose on this Bloody Wonder has about had it. I'm going to have to build a new one soon.
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mike E on June 8, 2013
i see your flying is getting better! keep it up. nice vid BTW
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kah00na on June 8, 2013
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hansdude on June 11, 2013
Love the vids, refreshing to see new flyers posting videos and having fun.
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jrbemis on June 8, 2013
I built two planes. I used a 1800mAh batteries in the airframe.

Weather has been rainy here in NY so I haven't flown either.

I am using DSM2 transmitter and receivers. Task is to get a second 4/6 channel DSM2 transmitter from HK.

I also added rudders on the back surfaces with the servo at the CG. I added a skid to the front edge of the rudders to protect the rudder during a landing.

Thanks for the idea on the streamer.

Good job on the video.
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FT Bloody Wonder Combat Test Flight (STREAMER!)