FT Cessna

by 35Wings | November 12, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Earlier this year, I posted a picture on the Flite Test Facebook page. The picture was a trainer that I designed and built with inspiration from a Cessna 270. While I was maddening it, I flew over a tree, freaked out and there it goes into the tree. 

Upon posting the image someone asked if it was a Flite Test model and if it could be used with a FT Power Pod. Unfortunately Flite Test didn't come up with this design, but it is made with Flite Test building techniques. I took it as a challenge to get a Power Pod into the aircraft. Sadly it was too small. So I loaded up Google Sketch Up and modified my design to fit the FT Power Pod. 
Here are the plans that I ended up with. (All measurements are in milimeters)
Luckily all the parts fit on one sheet of Dollar Tree foam board(the kind Flite Test use). 


Foam board layout.

Front View

Isometric View

Isomeric with dimensions 

Side View

 Top View

Fuselage Dimensions 

Horizontal Stabilizer

Vertical Stabilizer

Main Wing. (Dihedral can be added for stabilization) 

A video will be posted as soon as I get one complete! 
Thanks and good luck building!  


RICHGCOOP on November 19, 2013
 photo DSCF3062.jpg

 photo DSCF3061.jpg
My cessna. RICHGCOOP
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RICHGCOOP on November 18, 2013
Well I have mine ready to fly. Pictures to come.

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RICHGCOOP on November 18, 2013
Thank for posting. I would like to give it a try. Where is the CG on the wing? How far back is the wing mounted?

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35Wings on November 20, 2013
Hey, thanks! Sorry I didn't get back to you right away but I put in the dimensions in a CG calculator and it came out to be 31.7mm from the leading edge when the leading edge is 57.5mm from the nose. Cool build and I would like to hear how the maiden goes!
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FT Cessna