Tons of Very Useful Scratch-building ~TIPS~

by Rcairplanenoob | November 12, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

Here is a whole bunch of very useful tips for the scratch-builder. Some of the tips are general, and some specifically apply to the flitetest swappable and ft elements series.



eagle4 on November 18, 2013
Where did you get the glue mat?
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alibopo on November 18, 2013
Hi - you can also use silicone bakeware. I've a pie dish that I trimmed part of the side from - leaving most of the outer up-stand intact. My glue gun sits neatly in it - offering side protection as well as base protection. Same as the mat, the glue just peels away afterwards.
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Rcairplanenoob on November 18, 2013
I got it on ebay its an arttek i belive. Its the same brand as my gluegun
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Jaxx on November 20, 2013
Great Tips! You might want to try painter's tape to hold your plans down. It works well.
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Rcairplanenoob on November 18, 2013
I cane up with an awesome way to make hinges that ill post tonight. You squirt some glue on the nat and fold the mat in half and then trim the glue film to size. I used this on the bottom part of my um sukhoi tail (right above the wheel) it works amazing!
No strain on the servos at all!!
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Tons of Very Useful Scratch-building ~TIPS~