FT Spitfire build from correx test

by Barend | June 8, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

This FT Spit was made from correx board. Why ? Because we can...LOL no a friend gave me a challenge to see if we could build a plane out of correx that he had lying around. The result was a nice plane that fly's crazy good. We flew it smack bang in to a tree and it survived with a broken prop and a bit of glue to the nose....


Yogenh on July 3, 2014
Love the looks of it you did a really good job with it. I would love to know the cost of it and was it about the same wait as with the foam board? you did a really good pant job on it too. Keep it up
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alibopo on July 4, 2014
Great looking build! From the video, it looked to be a touch tail-heavy - any time you applied throttle it wanted to climb. You might overcome it with a pile of down elevator, but I think pushing the CG forward a little will give you a more consistent flight experience. It also looked like you had a lot of under-camber on the wing; if that's the case it's kind-of like flying with constant flaps deployed. You could take a little of this under-camber out by 'flattening out' the ailerons, and bringing both of them more in line with the underside of the wing, rather than following the downward curve of the top of the wing. My 1927 Velie Monocoupe initially had a wing with these 'strong' under-camber characteristics, which was great for slow flying, but meant the plane climbed like crazy when I applied throttle. In its final format as the 'Morphocoupe', I added flaps (which you could on the spitfire) and aligned both the flaps and the ailerons flush with the underside of the wing. It now needs to fly a little faster in normal mode, but flies just as slow as it did before with the flaps deployed; but it's much more predictable. Could be I'm wrong though, but it does look like it from the photographs. Cheers, alibopo.
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sailorJohn on July 5, 2014
I just published a video using coroplast for the tail feathers and I am trying to get a delta made of the same material to fly well but I am trading weight for durability.
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Barend on July 5, 2014
Yep that was part of the exercise, this spit was build out of 3 millimeter sheet. A bit heavier than adams ready board but 70 % more durable. I am not an expert but it handles the wind much better than the lighter spits. The next build is out of 6 mil correx . I suspect that will be a bit too heavy we will have to see.
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sailorJohn on July 6, 2014
I made a delta wing out of coroplast that I flew yesterday after I added a lot of bracing to prevent flexing (2nd flight) flew great! Total weight is 2 oz more than my adams foamboard versions.
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rcflyer729 on July 5, 2014
nice job
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johanjonker on July 12, 2014
The supplier in South Africa stopped producing foam boards.. so correx will have to be the next best thing.. its just really heavy and the ft"beef" setup is just, just not powerfull enough..

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FT Spitfire build from correx test