Micro Drone First Test

by kronosrobotics | July 14, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun


 Added a GPS and micro camera to the drone and took it for a spin. I'm getting 6 minutes of flight time with a two cell 950mah.



 The thing about this craft is that it can take some direct crashes.  The props are just held in place with o-rings and just flip off.


You can see the drone here:

3D Printing Micro Drone


My Multirotor pages can be found here:




apache64 on July 20, 2013
I think this is a terrible video to air, as it show two things that can be shown to be why they should ban "Drones" firstly the voyerisam slant, and secondly flying near the horse. I ride and know that the slightest thing can spook a Horse, let alone a quadcopter flying so close to it. You could get the privacy lobby and the animal rights lobby shutting us down just on this video..!
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3DMad5 on July 18, 2013
Will there be a build log/parts list in the future? I've been interested in building a quadcopterof this size for a while.
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kronosrobotics on July 18, 2013
I just finished a MultiRotor series in Servo Magazine.
In the Series I did a step by step build of what I call the KronosFlyer. Many in the magazine built and flew this craft with no previous experience.

You can get more information on my multirotor blog:
I will post the link in the description of this article.

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Arunabha42 on July 14, 2013
Naice! If yo could show the rig it'd be awesome! Been thinking along similar lines for a while.
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Cyberdactyl on July 14, 2013
Well done.

But calling it a 'drone' along with flying up to windows and giving the appearance of a voyeuristic attempt, probably isn't the best politically correct video footage to share at the moment.
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Carmatious on July 15, 2013
I couldn't have said that better myself, there are quite a few people that would (and have) gone nuts with something like this.
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Micro Drone First Test