Mighty Mini Mig-3 (Master series style)

by owadkar | February 5, 2023 | (2) Posted in Projects

I'm thrilled to share my latest project with all  Mig-3. This journey started while I was watching a World War II documentary. Among all the warbirds featured, the Mig-3 stood out with its beautiful, elegant design, reminiscent of a bird in flight. It was love at first sight! Driven by this fascination, I began searching for model plans and was pleasantly surprised to find just what I needed on fiddlersgreen. The plan was straightforward, yet capturing the essence of the Mig-3 perfectly.

To bring this beauty to life in my workshop, I used a special tool to expand the image to a 4 X 4 scale, resulting in an impressive 31" wingspan. This scale transformation was not just about size; it was about immersing myself deeper into the world of model aircraft, paying attention to the intricate details that make the Mig-3 so special.

As I piece together this iconic warbird, it's like stepping back into history, understanding the elegance and power it symbolized. This build is more than just a hobby; it's a tribute to a remarkable piece of aviation history and a testament to the craftsmanship involved in model building. I can't wait to see the final result and share it with all of you!

Materials and Tools:

FT foam sheet : 2 

Power pack F 

1300 mAmp Lipo 4 cell 

2" Nose cone 

Transparent sheet/ card paper for canopy and fairings

Step-by-Step Guide:

Fuselage -

 The journey of constructing this aircraft began with the meticulous assembly of the fuselage, laying the foundation for its aerodynamic form. The design blueprint was methodically mapped out, revealing a fuselage composed of three distinct sections. Remarkably, the rear portion forms the heart of the structure, accounting for an impressive 70% of the fuselage's total length. This predominant section plays a pivotal role in the overall balance and aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft, underscoring its significance in the design. The careful crafting of this area was pivotal, as it sets the tone for the aircraft's stability and aesthetic appeal.

fuselage has to be curved carefully with precision so you get any wrinkles on the foam

Add a supporting with 2 layers 

I use battery stand which acts more like internal support extending to the entire length of the fuselage . The width is measured to fit a standard mini power pods . 


attached second fuselage piece making sure seamless edges for good finished look 

Finally the support which goes in front should be strong which will absorb motor vibrations so I am using 3 layers of foam 


make sure to test fit all the parts before sticking . 

Then its time to put the motor . As I am using standard mighty mini power pod , all I had to insert it and make sure I have correct thrust angle . 

after securing the motor you can put the front cowling .This is bit challenging since its curved and you might have to carve out some foam from edges for perfect fit 

As you can see , you need some down thrust as well for better flight experience 

Tail and Stabilizer - With the nose of the aircraft meticulously crafted, attention shifted to the next critical phase: the installation of the tail and stabilizer.The plans provided a precise guide, featuring carefully designed slots for seamless insertions, ensuring each component aligned accurately with the aircraft's overall structure.To enhance the aerodynamics and mirror the finesse of a real airplane, a crucial step was undertaken - the meticulous sanding of all edges. This process was not just about smoothing out the surfaces; it was about refining the aircraft’s profile for optimal aerodynamic performance. 



As you progress in the assembly, it's crucial to approach the gluing process with precision and foresight. One key tip is to avoid applying glue to the entire surface initially. This partial gluing approach allows for some flexibility, which is essential for the final alignment. The perfect alignment of the fuselage, tail, and stabilizer comes into its true form when the wings are attached .

For surface protection, I employed a combination of techniques to enhance the durability and finish of the aircraft. The open surfaces were meticulously covered with Mod Podge, a versatile adhesive that not only seals but also strengthens the material. This coating adds an extra layer of resilience against wear and tear. Additionally, I reinforced the tail section with clear tape, providing an extra shield against potential damage. This not only boosts the structural integrity but also maintains the aesthetic appeal of the model, ensuring that it looks as good as it performs

Wings :  

Assembling the wings of the airplane presented a unique challenge, primarily due to the unconventional dihedral arrangement. Unlike typical designs where the dihedral is centered, this aircraft features the dihedral solely on the outer sections of the wings. This necessitated a strategic approach: cutting the wing precisely down the middle to accommodate the side dihedrals effectively (which is included in plans) .

In pursuit of speed and to mimic the characteristics of an actual aircraft wing, I embarked on a meticulous process of refining the wing structure. This involved diligently sanding down the edges on both sides of each wing half, ensuring a smooth and aerodynamically efficient profile.To further enhance the wings’ performance, I incorporated wing spars crafted from two layers of foam sheets. These spars were designed to taper towards the edges, providing essential structural support and stability. This not only emulated the sophisticated engineering of real aircraft wings but also contributed to the overall agility and speed capabilities of the model

Integrating the servos into the aircraft's design. To achieve a seamless and aerodynamic profile, I carefully carved out precise recesses in the foam structure. This meticulous approach ensured that each servo would fit snugly within the body of the aircraft, remaining completely concealed from view.This method of embedding the servos not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the model but also contributed to its aerodynamic efficiency. With the servos tucked away, the only visible parts were the control horns, subtly protruding just enough to perform their vital functions. This careful integration of the servos highlights the attention to detail and the commitment to both functionality and form in the design of the aircraft.

With the servos skillfully installed and embedded within the aircraft's structure, the focus shifted to sealing the wing. This stage was marked by a careful and precise application of glue to the top section of the wing. It was a moment that required both accuracy and patience, ensuring that each segment aligned perfectly, forming a seamless and sturdy wing.The importance of this step cannot be overstated. After applying the glue, it was essential to exert some pressure on the wing, holding it firmly in place. This pressure needed to be maintained for a sufficient duration to ensure a strong bond, allowing the adhesive to cure properly and secure the wing's structural integrity.This process was not just about adhering two pieces of material; it was a crucial phase that determined the wing's durability and performance. The careful application of pressure ensured that the wing would not only be well-constructed but also capable of withstanding the demands of flight.

before attaching wing to the body I decided to insert his support to enhance the structural integrity of the fuselage since this is the exact area where I typically hold the plane during hand launch 

Now its time to attach the wing

Also adding a faring will not only enhance the looks but it also helps in reducing drag . I use card board paper with regular glue and some mod-podge on top .

Cut out a simple battery hatch with a magnet to keep it in place . also put a tooth pick on top which also acts as handle . 

Painting. : 

  There are many color schemes  available for Mig-3 but I like simple white-red-metablic combination .

Details : 

Once the paint had thoroughly dried, presenting a pristine canvas, I turned my attention to the finer details that would elevate the aircraft's visual appeal. With a keen eye and steady hand, I began to meticulously draw details such as rivet joints onto the surface. This step, though seemingly small, was pivotal in transforming the model from a simple replica to a strikingly realistic miniature aircraft.

Each rivet joint was carefully placed, mimicking the intricate patterns found on actual aircraft. This attention to detail not only added depth and texture to the aircraft's appearance but also imbued it with a sense of authenticity. The impact of these details on the overall aesthetic was significant, offering a visual richness that truly set the model apart. It was a testament to the belief that in the world of model aircraft construction, it’s these subtle nuances that can make a profound difference in the final presentation.


Flying the Mig-3 is an experience that borders on the sublime, a thrilling blend of speed and agility that leaves an indelible mark on any aviator's heart. As soon as it takes to the skies, the Mig-3 reveals its true character - it's not just fast, it's lightning-quick, especially when equipped with a spinner. The design of its airframe plays a pivotal role in this agility, allowing it to maneuver through the air with such grace and precision that it feels almost alive.

Every flight with the Mig-3 is a dance of exhilaration and control. I found the perfect harmony in its handling by dialing in low rates with aileron rate 50% and expo at 30% and elevator rate at 80% and  expo at 30%. This setup provided a balanced mix of responsiveness and stability, allowing for maneuvers that are both sharp and fluid. CG is just on the spar but don't make it too much nose heavy .It flies great with slightly heavier nose .

Powering the Mig-3 with a 4-cell 1300 mAh battery was a game-changer. It unlocked a spectrum of flying experiences - from achieving impressive speeds that cut through the air like a knife, to slower, more measured flights that allow for extended time in the air, savoring every moment of the flight. The Mig-3 is not just an aircraft; it's a testament to the joy of flying, a machine that invites you to push its limits and then gently glide on the currents of the air, making you wish you could keep flying it forever.

Observations : The only problem I encountered which looping is that it tip stalls , I did some research and came to know that it was a problem with original plan as well . I also installed slats on the wing to change the angle of attach and It mitigated the stalling issue .


I sincerely hope that you find inspiration and enjoyment in this build as much as I did.The journey of creating this from scratch has been a deeply rewarding experience, filled with challenges, learning, and ultimately, the joy of seeing it soar through the skies.

I am eager to hear your thoughts and feedback on this project. Your insights and experiences are invaluable, and I look forward to engaging in lively discussions about your own endeavors in aircraft building. More than that, I am excited to see the community come together, sharing their unique builds, modifications, and flying experiences.

I strongly encourage all members of our vibrant community to take on this build. Whether you're a seasoned builder or just starting out, the journey of crafting the Mig-3 promises a rewarding adventure in model aviation. Let’s continue to inspire each other, sharing our passion and knowledge, as we each add our own touch to the world of model aircraft. Happy building and flying!!



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Mighty Mini Mig-3 (Master series style)