My DIY Prop n Slot F-16 Version 2

by Crazed Scout Pilot | November 15, 2023 | (1) Posted in Projects

You might have remembered my article on my first attempt at an F-16 and If you were like me you might have noticed that it was not very scale. So, I wanted to design another one and this time make it more scaled. Here is the result.

The build is pretty simple it basically goes together like the FT -22 but because I'm not a very good designer there are no alignment tabs. But if you watch the videos and look at the build tips doc. you should be able to figure it out.


Wing Span: 25"

length: 33"

CG is in the middle of the Prop Slot.

Here are the Full-sized plans and build tips doc:

F-16 Version 2

Build TIps And Pics.pdf

You should be able to use anywhere from a power pack F to a power pack B. 

The flight characteristics are amazing it flies like a trainer. I was really impressed with the way that it flew. Always remember to put a little thrust angle to the right.

If you enjoy this design it really goes back to my friend and fellow designer Tristan who is himself an amazing designer. He goes by Akimbo on the Forum so be sure to check out some of his amazing designs.

If you have any questions or tips I would be happy to answer them.

Crazed Scout Pilot.


Sharan Sathish on May 13, 2024
That’s a wonderful article!!
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My DIY Prop n Slot F-16 Version 2