RocHobby Waco YMF-5 - Review!

by FliteTest | May 15, 2018 | (2) Posted in Reviews

There's something about the look of those classic biplanes that makes them stand out from the rest. It might be their bright colours, sleek lines or unique styling - whatever it is, they're desirable. Recently RocHobby released their new Waco YMF-5. Here's what happened on our initial test flights. 

The Real Deal

The RocHobby Waco is based off the original biplane that appeared in the 1930s. These were private owner airplanes that were also used by training schools to teach folks how to fly.

A new Waco biplane, the WMF-5, started production in 2013. The company's goal was to revive the spirit of the golden age of aviation by producing new versions of their classic aircraft from those early days. Unfortunately, for the average Joe, these planes are rather expensive. That's okay though, we always have RC!

The Model

Firsly, let's talk about this airplane's looks. The EPO moulded airframe with its vibrant yellow colour scheme really jumps out at you. Every angle oozes with style and character, just like the real thing. 

The aircraft also includes features you might not have noticed right away. There's a steerable tail wheel which makes taxiing a breeze. There's also a hidden battery hatch in the nose that blends in nicely with the rest of the airframe. This conceals a 2200mah battery up front which powers the 50" wingspan airframe. 

So what is the plane like to fly? Not only does this RC biplane look fantastic, it also handles like a charm. The 650kv motor has plenty of power to pull off some impressive moves, yet the airplane also behaves itself and can cruise around very nicely.  

Here's a breakdown of the main features of this plane:

  • Scale details including two hand painted pilots, radial engine and one piece propeller
  • Visually appealing paint scheme gives the Waco a sporty look and makes the plane easy to see in the sky
  • Made of durable EPO foam
  • LED Navigation lights
  • Steerable tail gear for easy taxi, take offs, and landings
  • Four ailerons for extreme manoeuvrability
  • Powerful brushless motor, ESC, and servos are all pre-installed
  • Only requires your own radio and receiver 


Sometimes scale looking RC airplanes don't hold up to well to being crashed. If you've seen the video already, you'll have seen what went down. Our pro-quad flyer Matt ladies and gentlemen!


After a little TLC, the yellow biplane was ready to go again. 

During the crash, the motor shook itself loose due to vibrations from the broken propeller. This was reinstalled without a problem. 

Another area that had to be looked at was the struts that hold on the top wing of the biplane. This might be one thumbs-down point about the airplane: the wing hardware isn't the best quality and some was missing after the crash, so be sure to check this all-important structure over if you get into any incidents with your Waco. 

All-in-all, the RocHobby Waco is an impressive aircraft both in asthetics and performance. It's great for intermediate fliers and doesn't break the bank.

If you want to pick one any of our RTF airplanes, make sure you head on over to the FT Store

Article by James Whomsley

Editor of

Instagram @jameswhomsley


flydog19 on November 13, 2019
I'm a bit curious about this plane as it appears to be identical to the YMF-5 that Dynam has been making for a while. I've noticed Dynam's Wacos are getting hard to get and now RocHobby has this one. I wonder if RocHobby got Dynam's molds. I've seen something similar happen when E-Flite discontinued its Pulse 15e and then it was produced for a while by another company.
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RocHobby Waco YMF-5 - Review!