Scooter+Tricopter, Just For Fun Video

by Flying | February 14, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

Hope you enjoys a video I made with a friend. I recon it's pretty cool video that you guys will enjoy. This is the first time I have ever tried something like this with my tricopter. The tricopter was flowen line of sight. The tricopter design is based off davids design. (:



lamaking124 on February 16, 2013
Very nice! Keep up the good work!
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Adib Vahedi on February 15, 2013
Cool great keeping up with the scooterer!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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llharper on February 18, 2013
Outstanding work! The video was nice and smooth. It didn't jerk me around like a lot of videos. And the music was the BEST choice ever! Like the video, the music was nice and smooth. I will watch your videos anytime, all the time!
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Scooter+Tricopter, Just For Fun Video