Sukhoi SU-29MM

by FliteTest | August 11, 2014 | (18) Posted in Reviews

The Sukhoi SU-29MM BNF Basic with SAFE from ParkZone!

The Sukhoi features SAFE technology which makes the airplane aware of it's attitude relative to the ground.There are 3 modes this airplane can be setup, Stagility™ mode, AS3X® 3D mode, AS3X Precision mode.With features like vortex generators the Sukhoi offers great control and stability.There's also a Panic Recovery mode that returns the aircraft to upright flight.The construction quality of this flyer has proven to be very durable.There are basic setup details you will need to go over with the manual when setting up your Sukhoi.This may not be a great first plane, but it's a great entry into 3D flying.The knife edges that the Sukhoi is capable of are fantastic!The servos and the response of this ParkZone BNF are very nice.The plane snaps in and out of position and is a fun plane to fly inverted. After any crash, be sure to check your C.R.A.P.

Click the link to learn more about the ParkZone Sukhoi SU-29MM BNF Basic with SAFE


andre on August 12, 2014
Eric needs a new t-shirt ;-)
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Ano Pilot on August 12, 2014
? Josh B.. the Low Rates in the Manual are Ail 50/40; El 100/20; and Rd 40/15. Ok we hear you say that you changed the Ailerons to 60/30 for Josh S, but did you change the others??? 100% Rate for Elevator on low rates seems a bit Crazy.
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vaportrails on August 17, 2014
Low Rates in the Manual are Ail 50/15
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Ano Pilot on August 20, 2014
Yep, sorry, must have had the wrong glasses on.
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tramsgar on August 13, 2014
That's more like it! Just look at what you released when your popularity rose and you'll know what to produce =).
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casehatter on August 12, 2014
Only thing I have against the safe Tech is they didn't seperate it from the receiver so you could use your own systems. Makes you think they want a monopoly on the RC world. I resent that because we all have our prefferance and their radio's are just not my favorite.
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Ano Pilot on August 12, 2014
18 heavenly minutes, really great, thank you all. I bought one recently, I simply couldn't resist. She just looks SO good when flying. Thanks for the advice on EVEN kinder rates. On the show, at 1'44" where you show the SAFE Transmitter Setup page... TAKE NOTE... there is/was a difference between the online pdf and the manual supplied with the aircraft. I suspect you may have shown the pdf because it was easier to insert. The paper manual that came with mine had ONLY a 2 position setup possible for the popular DX6i, whereas the online pdf shows how to set up the Tx for all 3 modes.
I fly the Super Cub S, and a Delta Ray, and living in the windy UK, I AM SOLD on SAFE, I love it.
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florigami on August 17, 2014
can you make a video on building your scratch builds with 6mm depron?
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Flying Fox on November 27, 2014
Hey FLite Test Can you Please do an episode on the corsair with the safe system?
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Vlaak on March 8, 2015
Awesome review. I really want this plane but it might be too much for me. I had a question about your filming setup though. What is the quad that Alex is flying taking video with?
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Sukhoi SU-29MM