Venom F-86

by bailxs44 | March 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in Reviews

       Every year my club has an auction here in Colorado. This year I purchased only a few items, one of them being a Venom/Star max F-86. It was in good condition and a good friend of mine was selling. The wingspan is 43.4 inches and the length is 42.7 inches, weighing in at about 52.9oz flying weight. Included were flaps, speed brakes, and air retracts. All it needed was a battery and a receiver. So, after purchasing those items I programmed the F-86 to my Dx8. All I needed now was some good weather. 

  The takeoff was phenomenal, nice smooth rotation ( it doesn't just hop off the ground). The F-86 has plenty of power for scale flight. Flight time was around 7mins with proper throttle usage. It flew hands-off with little trimming. Landing was a piece of cake. Because of the flaps, the F-86 slows down to a crawl and the struts have shock absorbing springs. So as long as you flare a bit before touch down, landings are nothing. 

         I wouldnt recomend this plane to people who dont have any EDF expirience. Just because of its swept back wings (making it tip stall) and the way the rudder falls down on turns. I give this plane a 5 out of 5 because of how scale it looks/flies. 

     Fly Fast! 



Christopher14 on November 27, 2013
Looks awesome!
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Venom F-86