The FT Electrohub FLOGUI

by polodu64 | July 19, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hi everyone,

I'm a 17yo french fan of FliteTest, and I recently got into multirotors with my own version of the Knuckle H-quad, which I brought to the Flitetest meetup in Provence, where Josh Bixler gave me a prototype of the new FT Electrohub.

Thanks to that gift, I decided to make a nice foldable quadcopter with all the electronics I already had on my Knuckle-H, and to name it after my friends I was with at the FT meeting in Vinon-Sur-Verdon : Florian and Guilhem.

Here is a small video of my built :

Thanks to Flight Reel for its article on the kk2 Gimbal :

After some CG issues (it was too much on the front), I decided to put the two back booms a little more forward (it's a deadcat-design quadcopter), and to make all the motors booms fold the same way (backwards) :

(it looks a little more like the FT Spider quad :P )

Once folded, it's even smaller ! :

I'm going to say that the FT Electrohub is amazing, with its infinite setup possibilities (from the tri- to the octocopter, plus the accessories), its Power Distribution Board (saves a lot of weight :P), but I was pretty surprized to find out that it's quite hard to mount a battery under it, unless you're using the FT Camera Mount...

Solderings were quite bad because of my (very) old soldering iron, landing gears are made out of a PVC pipe, booms are made out of 1.5cm wood pieces (I think I'll move to Carbon Fiber later), and I only used 4 zipties (and 2 others for my low-voltage alarm), which is what I wanted :P For all the electronics, please see on the video.

It flies perfect, and looks awesome in the air, even with wind (watch the second test flight on the video :P), so I'm now waiting for FPV equipment to make it even better ! :D

Any question, any suggestions about the quad, the article or the video, please leave a comment ! :D

Fly Safe !


Kayakdave on October 25, 2014
Nice job! I like the folding aspect of your electrohub.
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The FT Electrohub FLOGUI