Designing Multi-Rotors

by JACKFIRE | July 4, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hi Flite Testers, some time ago all my modelism activities are focused in multirotors, Quads and Tricopters mainly.
I live in Bogotá, Colombia which make pretty difficult and expensive to get some parts in this particular case i'm talking about the Frames, the second reason to write this article is that no always you have the motors for a particular frame, for example in some cases you find that your quad would have a better performance if it has shorter or longer arms. and the same thing for esc´s or other components

So what do you do?

What I decided was design my own frames or at least make them based on existing designs, the idea is to use those materials that may be useful and easier to get rather than conventional ones.

then  my first design was a Quad, Here this material is called "Aluminium Composite Panel" machined by CNC router.

 When I tested it was too heavy and weak for lateral stress, just one hard landing was enough to finish it. 

After that I started a Tricopter Based on the David Windestal design, with shorter arms, till this moment this tricopter has been my test bench for Flight-control boards, motors, props etc. this nylon rods are very flexible and resistant and has low weigth, have resisted hard crashes without breaking or bending. 


One of my favorite is The Knuckle H-Quad, easy to build and uses very common materials the only difference is that I used  rather the Knuckle Plates some those metal pieces used for aluminium frames.Other thing I'm like to use are those excellent E-Flite esc´s because are desigend for helicopters, so they have soft cut even when uses 3cells lipos and great Heat Sinks



So far nothing new, after those and other more, I started a new project which is the reason of this article, I got 4 Turnigy motors 2210A 1650 kv from an auction on ebay, I usually use 3 cell lipos, so was too much speed for 8045 props, and was very difficult to deal with the vibration and the balance of the props, then I tried with 7045 props, they work very good then I needed a frame for those. This is what I made: 


Obviously before get there, I made a prototype:




The principal material is Polycarbonate (aka LEXAN) really resistant y has low weight, all the dimensions are based in the propeller diameter, esc's size and all of the components that will be in the quad.  
The final product will have a top plate and is designed to carry a camera and a 5.8Ghz video transmitter.

At this moment the prototype Flyes great, agile and smooth like a Ninja-Quad.

If you would like to, I can help you designing your next project, just let me know and I'll be glad to help you.

Thanks for viewing!!!



duplahullam on August 8, 2014
This is an awesome frame design!
Have you done any stress analysis during the modelling?
We are designing out first frame, and would appreciate any experiences or tips for the weight reducing.
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JACKFIRE on August 8, 2014
Hi, I'm glad you liked it, I haven't done any analysis since the design was focused to be built in polycarbonate, so was just a shape thing, I'm working on the article for this frame in particular and his "bro" a little bigger.
You may be interested in pcb board, for the lower frame part and distribution board in one that can be easily cut in a CNC router and is really resistant, try to keep the same distance between motors.
If you are using carbon fiber, keep away from the pultruded one, is very weak when torsional stress is applied.

I hope this help you, Thanks for viewing.
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c_mar76 on August 24, 2014
Hola jackfire
Tienes mucha razón en tu comentario.... Al igual que tu yo también vivo la misma situación pues acá en Colombia este hobby es catalogado para " gente pudiente" y es muy fastidioso ir aun local de rc y ver el trato que le dan a la persona que no muestra sus millones.... Esa es la razón por la que me gusta la forma de pensar de la gente de flite test pues hacen que el hobby crezca sin necesidad de ser rico.... Me gustaría poder ponernos en contacto para charlar y discutir sobre como podemos hacer nuestra afición mas accesible para todos.... Yo también he estado buscando nuevos materiales para construía los marcos y he tengo varias ideas que me gustaría compartir.... Gracias de paso por compartir tu diseño se ve que es muy bueno.....
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c_mar76 on August 24, 2014
Ahhhhh por cierto también vivo en Bogota
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JACKFIRE on August 24, 2014
Hola, es un verdadero gusto saber de alguien de la comunidad tan cerca, mi correo electronico es con gusto me gustaria compartir y charlar a cerca del tema.
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Topdawg2881 on July 19, 2014
My biggest question is what software are you using?

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JACKFIRE on July 20, 2014
Solid Edge ST6,
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Designing Multi-Rotors